To order the manufacturing of the Filter Bag of the size you require fill in the following Order Blank.

Order for manufacturing the Bag Filters
Contacting person:
(Full Name, Pos)
Required quantity:
{1} - {2} - {3} - {4} - {5}
Bag Filter used:
Используемый рукавный фильтр: - - / - / - /
Example: PE / 550 - T - 100 / 5000 - G / D - 8 / 7

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{1} Fabric and its surface density, g/m2:
СТ - Fiber Glass
РЕ - Polyester (lavsan)
РР - Polypropylene
РА - Polyamide
NO - m-Aramid (Nomex)
PTFE - Polytetrafluoroethylen
Р - Polyimide
ххх; 300; 350; 400; 450; 500; 550;
{2} Kind of material:
Т - woven
Н - nonwoven
{3} Size of Bag:
ХХХ - diameter, mm
ХХХХ - lengt, mm
{4} Design of Bag:
     First end of the bag
М - collar
S - metal ring
G - roving, rope (inside the collar)
G2- roving, rope (projecting out)
SL- ring of metal plate.
     Second end of the bag:
М - collar
S - metal ring
G - roving, rope (inside the collar)
G2 - roving, rope (projecting outsid)
SL - ring of metal plate
D - bottom
{5} Intermediate Rings:
Х - quantity pieces
Х - wire diameter, mm.
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