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     This nonwoven fabric is manufactured according to the DuPont technology.
     This fabric is produced with the following treatments: oil and water repelling, treatment for the settling of the highly agglomerating and additionally agglutinating dust.
     This fabric is capable to with stand short peak temperatures up to 240 C. Sphere of application: at cement, chemical, ferroalloy and other factories.

NO. Name Surface density g/m2 Thick-ness, mm Air permeability , dm3/m2sec Operating temperature,
Tensile strength:
- in warp
- in weft, daN
1. -NO/NO 400* 400 2.4 300 200: 55: 60
2. -NO/NO 500* 500 2.5 250 200 80: 130
3. -NO/NO 550* 550 2.7 150 200 90: 150

     - the given filtering fabric can have the following chemical treatments:

  • treatment reinforcing the cleaning capacity of the material;
  • oil and water resistance treatment;
  • surface coating of Teflon;
  • impregnation of fibers with Teflon and water and oil repellence treatment;
  • surface layer (coating) resistant to sparks.

"Bag Filter Factory"
39630, Ukraine, Region of Poltava, town of Kremenhug
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