A number of filtering problems can be solved using a simple, economical and convenient for the customer method i.e. with the help of filtering bags.
      The Bag filters are designed for a highly efficient dust and suction air collection.
      The Bag Filters are used in various branches of industry: ferrous metallurgy and non-ferrous metallurgy, power engineering, construction materials industry, chemical and petrochemical industry, textile and food industry.
      The advantages of the filtering elements which are manufactured by the "Bag Filter Factory, Ltd" efficiently operate in all industrial processes are the following:
- the steady efficient recovery of the particles including those having a size less than 1,0 µ;
- the efficient operation in places where the electrofilters do not permit to reach a high degree of cleaning in particular when there is little water (moisture) in the gases etc;
- the low capital costs for their construction in comparison with the installations having electrical filters;
- the recovered material keeps its initial state;
- the simplicity of the maintenance and of the repair;
- all the Bag Filters are produced according to Specifications and are not inferior in quality of design than the European analogues;
- reasonable prices (the prices are half as much as the imported analogues and are one of the lowest among the home factories);
- the high chemical stability in a wide spectrum of reagents;
- the high heat resistance (up to 360 °C).
      For the production of the Bag Filters we use the following filtering materials:
      The Filtering elements are manufactured on the basis of own Specifications: ТУ У 25157984.001.98 "Filtering Bags from Glass Fabrics" and ТУ У 17.4-31700904-001-2001 "Filtering Bags", introduced for the first time in Ukraine and registered in the State Standard Agency of Ukraine.
      If you want to order the manufacture of Filtering Bags, please, fill the application for the Order. We will be glad to cooperate with you.
      We will be glad to cooperate with you.
      At the "Bag Filter Factory, Ltd" you will be able to receive free advice on the optimal selection of filtering fabrics for your enterprise.
      We shall consider any application from your part.