The Enterprise "Bag Filter Factory, Ltd" is manufacturing bag filters, pocked filters and other types of filters since 1997.
      To ensure the high quality of the filtering elements we use an imported specialized line for the sewing of thew bags.
      The filtering elements produced by our enterprise are used for:
- the recovery of the carbon black, cement, plaster, flour and all other industrial suspensions;
- the cleaning of the process gases and the industrial air at various factories and integrated plants, enterprises.
- the filtration of syrups and solutions.
      manufacturing of the filtering elements is performed on the basis of our own Specifications TУ У 25157984.001-98 and ТУ У 17.4-31700904.001-2001 introduced for the first time in Ukraine and registered at State Standard Agency of Ukraine.
      Our Enterprise maintains a close cooperation with the open Stock Ukraine Research Institute of Polymer Fibers.
      All the filters are manufactured in accordance with the Specifications and meet the European Manufacturing Quality Requirements.
      "Bag Filter factory, Ltd" is the sole enterprise in the Ukraine which successfully mastered and produces in big quantities the Bag Filters out of glass fabrics. The given filtering elements are used in places where the temperature of the gases is about 360 °C.
      We maintain a close cooperation with the foreign producers of filtering fabrics. That is why our specialists will be able to select the fabric which suits best for the filtration of the gases or for the recovery of the product you manufacture (carbon black, cement, asbestos, plaster…)
      If you have any problem with the filtration of gases, resort to us and we will help you to solve them.