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Heat-resistant fabrics

      The given fabrics can is long to be used at temperature 1200 ╟я (peaks up to 1700 ╟я).
Possess high chemical stability{resistance} water and a pair of a high pressure, are capable to absorb a moisture, but are not split at the presence of water, are stable in vacuum.
Also these fabrics proof to organic and mineral acids of any concentration even at the raised {increased} temperature.

NO. Name Surface density g/m2 Thick-ness, mm Operating temperature,
Tensile strength:
- in warp
- in weft, daN
1. TKB-600 600 0,6 1200 137.2;137.2
2. TKB-600рн 600 0,6 1700 98;68.6
3. TKB-600б 650 0,6 1100 176.4;107.8
4. TKB-1000 1100 1,0 1200 196;147
5. TKB-1000рн 1100 1,1 1700 147; 98
6. TKB-1000б 1200 1,1 1100 196; 147

"Bag Filter Factory" 39630, Ukraine, Region of Poltava, town of Kremenhug
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